I speak (and read/write) another language (Japanese). Below is a brief guide to enabling Japanese input on Arch/Manjaro (what I currently run) and i3wm (my preferred window manager).
Install required packages
First let's install the required packages. Fortunately, Arch provides a "group" with (almost) everything we need:
sudo pacman -S fcitx-im
(just hit enter to install all).
We need to install a few more packages (one being a Japanese input editor and the other a configuration tool):
sudo pacman -S fcitx-configtool fcitx-mozc yay -S ttf-vlgothic
Configure stuff
Now we have the required packages installed, we need to do a bit of configuring.
I needed to add the following to my .profile
# Japanese input export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx
If you're using i3, we'll need to start fcitx
when we start our window manager. For i3
that means adding the following to your i3.conf
exec --no-startup-id fcitx -d
Once done, restart (or logout/login) and you should be able to hit alt-space(bar) at an input area and it should switch to Japanese input. When in Japanese input mode the fcitx tray icon icon should look like:
If, after a restart, you still cannot input Japanese, try running fcitx-diagnose
from terminal (detected issues will be marked in red).
Also, run fcitx-configtool
from terminal and make sure there is a Mozc
input method.
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