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I had a specific (obscure) task to do which included cropping a pdf file to specific text portions and then exporting those cropped areas to a specific dpi png (don't ask why).

In any case, here's how I did it on my Manjaro i3 machine.


Crop pdf to specific areas

There's a fantastic linux tool called briss that does just this (and will a nice, although somewhat outdated, gui).  It should be available in your distro's package manager.

Export the resulting (briss created) pdf to png with specified dpi

I used another Linux tool which was included in distro called pdftoppm.  From your terminal do:

pdftoppm <pdf-file-convert> <output-file-name> -png -rx <dpi-horizontal> -ry<dpi-vertical>



  1. https://askubuntu.com/questions/50170/how-to-convert-pdf-to-image/50180
  2. http://briss.sourceforge.net/
  3. https://linux.die.net/man/1/pdftoppm